

Installed capacity


Avg. power production

3.570 Million


Small Hydro Power Plant – Sekular, as our final project in the catchment of the Sekularska river, represents largest sHPP on this waterflow. Considering that realization of this project will represent fulfilling of the all conditions from the concession contract for Sekularska river, Hidroenergija decided to start construction of sHPP Sekular at beginning of 2015. For construction works on this project we decided to chose the same company that was in charge for this type of works on all of our projects Bemax Podgorica. Hydromechanical equipment was ordered from reputable Austrian company in production of turbines Geppert GMBH that was our partner on the projects sHPP Jezerstica and sHPP Orah. GRP materials for penstock construction were purchased from Turkish company Subor Boru as one of our partners that is engaged on all of our projects. Middle voltage facility and control system for this project were purchased from Sintaksa Split that was our partner on all of our plants and provided us with expected quality of equipment and service.

After construction of sHPP Sekular and installation of the equipment for safe power generation from this facility, this plant became operational in January 2016. Since commissioning of sHPP Sekular Hidroenergija Montenegro has constant and safe production from all planned capacities on Sekular river, and fulfills all obligations defined in concession contract for this waterflow.

Small Hydro Power Plant – Sekular is our final project in the catchment of the Sekularska river, the largest sHPP on this waterflow.

Basic technical information – sHPP Sekular


Installed capacity of the turbine 1.665 kW
Average power production / yr 5,800 GWh


Upper water level 862 masl
Lower water level 743,55 masl
Gross head 118,45 m
Net head 107,00 m


Number of turbines 1
Turbine type Pelton
Shaft axis Vertical
Number of jets 6
Installed water flow 1,6 m3/s
Network voltage level 35 kV
Generator type Synchronous
Power factor cosφ 0.95
Frequency 50 Hz


Penstock length 4786 m
Pipe material GRP
Penstock diameter Ø1000,Ø 1100 and Ø 1200
Pipe nominal pressures PN 6 – PN16 bar

Water intake

Water intake type Tyrolean (intake in the bottom)
Sediment tank length  30,00 m
Sediment tank two chambers
Grain diameter 0,2 mm
Fish trail Designed