About us
Hidroenergija Montenegro Berane has been founded in 2007 with main goal to operate in area of production and sales of the electric power produced in small hydro power plants.
Based on the public invitation from November 2007. Hidroenergija Montenegro from Berane has been granted two concessions for exploration and techno-commercial exploitation of the hydro potential of river Bistrica and Sekularska river by combined DBOT arrangement. At the beginning of 2014, Hidroenergija Montenegro d.o.o. has been granted another concession for exploration and techno-commercial exploitation of the hydro potential of Kaludarska river, which placed us in the position to have three signed concession contracts with Montenegrin Minsitry of Economy. At this point Hidroenergija Montenegro operates eight active small hydro power plants connected to the distribution network, and is planning to realize one new project by the end of 2021.
Increasing the number of plants in our ownership, we are constantly opening new working places in our company and number of indirectly employed staff through a licensed company for the protection of property.
Operational projects
At this moment Hidroenergija Montenegro operates eight small hydro power plants with a total installed capacity of 13.803kW with annual power generation varying between 42 and 50 GWh. All of the eight operating plants are connected to the distribution network, and are prepared to start production in all hydrological conditions that are providing minimum of the water in accordance with ecological standards.
Future projects
Hidroenergija Montenegro plans to finish one new power plant by the end of 2021 and fulfill all the conditions defined in concession contracts authorized by the Montenegrin Government. Realization of future projects will not cause Hidroenergija Montenegro to stop investment activities in power generating facilities that will contribute to the stability of the energy system and quality improvement of the energy delivered to the final consumers.